Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Keeping the Park Clean 1st Friday in month 11.30am

Can you spare an hour on a Friday morning to help litter pick in Kings Norton Park?   It would be super if you could.

           Meet us in the car park bring gloves and pickers if you have them, if not you can borrow ours.
            We aim to clean-up where litter has become ingrained over a period of time.  
     We meet on the first Friday of each month at 11.30 am.
We also do other things like plant, survey and plan events and activities. 
Some of the volunteers removing rubbish along Canal Feeder
Removing rubbish embedded in copper hedges
Future Events
Friday 7 June - workout in park at 11.30am

Saturday 13 July Kings Norton Festival Activity Stall 11.30am

              Also see our Aspirations, Plans and Making it Happen article last updated 28 April 2013 and
our AGM report back.
Contact us at :   info.foknp@gmail.co.uk

Tweet:  @kingsnortonpark

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